Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Elowyn Pt2

Elowyn could have sworn he was drinking wine but it was only lemonade. Tired Resilient. "They kill the coffee beans," he nearly exclaimed in his mind, "Satanists," he mumbled Elowyn was born to Tulvas a Featherhand Ranger in Minetwerp, A Halfling Land Settlement. To be precise, Andelwin County, Minetwerp and Megan Featherhand an Indian squaw seemstress. Elowyn love his parents garen especially the sunflowers as a baby. To be a winner - the plants told him - Elowyn, gold knowledge & love, it would take alot of marijuana. Elowyn's middle name was Nugs. Elowyn Nugs Featherhand. Mum minimalist foreign music Mogwai Godspeed You Black Emperor. I worc for miwphf incorporated. robbed)scusi Lslemajam The Lyken Lycen robbed trotted in through the redwood forest into, broke, Elowyn's grove sanctuary, Elowyns father eyed Ruth African is attacking me Nurse Nanny the wolfman Hilton Plaza 311 Main St Newport News, VA Lslemajam USA Earth 7575966000 short hair 5'11" 1/2 stocky too be truthful Yeah my parents suck I guess honest scared Bored Narcal Tulvas. " A darc creature of Nergal & Hades Lslemajam=Tyler Ferril What if he caught rabies," Tulvas thought "john" he catches

The sun sparkled the treetops. Elowyn and Tulvas and Megan and their village prepared to fight the werewolves. Tulvas looked Lslemajam in his eyes and took a long toke of marijuana His body pulsed with light and color, An inherited gilf trait genetics Lslemajam, on all fours, licked Elowyn's hand. Russian Slav witch dogs Russian Impersonators of Russians. Tulvas sighed. Megan sighed.

And everything bowed and bent Thousands of Buudhist Mages Priests all using sacred ayahuasca and Cocaine stormed About chanting mantras.
Some lit candles some lit incense and still yet others some (played musical) went to gardening, misting cannabis trees and rose bushes and lotus blossoms. Frogs ribbet and croke and jump bounce around the monks.

Stephen King, author of the Shining, IT, and Firestarter approached the round labyrinth An orb so perfect it could teleport a human being using sacred flames and musicssounds. Perhaps, i backed away certain I had been slanderered defamed la libeled assaulted robbed. My dog died - who builds him a new body? Zionists Women Robot Factorieys No I can't see spirits There are spirit centers, Guardians.

Tulvas smiled as Lslemajam licked and Lslemajam began morphing into a human, He was naked. Olwyn date 14500hexagon.6

I said I hate Tyler John Collin Ferril because he is a hog and a witch I said he's 5'1'' 60yrs old caucasian grey long hair white & grey - Pretends to be Russian

Mad Angry Cool Hot
out of cigarettes
Hello Justin Beiber
Seahorses, Sowillow, Motherships, FlowerofLife, Psilicybin Israel, Elyse Patterson, Police, RUF chopping arms off, Rainbow Family, Rihanna Fenty A Money Watch A sculpted penis, Lil Wayne, A Gun! Watch out!

Just got vibed by Antoine Linda Maia Askew JimTaylor Jenkens Bruce Lots of Them

Elowyn pushed through the trees, tired. Stuffed on fruit, Elowyn is a good gardener. Apples Bananas Oranges, Elowyn had them in his belly as he pushed out of his home. Chemicals. Prison Buzz. Apocalypse. Radioaction. The Simpsoms. The grove in which Elowyn's wiggwamm sat is was surrounded by a dense forest, a rare forest. The trees and their pot gardens

Elowyns mother Megan s8h maybe com Mayans Illusions
pute, fort counted out garden harvest for dinner CN Dissers are after me G Grow up lig King Cing who anoble clint noble & root & cn01 1.15 leis lies. 2 sa police lust greed cops up sortof arizona snowflakes weed bush mushroom terrarium an apple a clover Vampire Hunter D, A sad man on a horse. Superman Clark Kent broke his neck cause of a horse. OMG. Pai. Robot Bodys for the afterlife with satellite input.

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